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Christian entrepreneurs need to be doing this ONE thing in their business, and it’s something that should be a no-brainer, yet many find it challenging.

It *should* be a no-brainer, but…..

As Christians, it’s easy to fall into the trap of considering our businesses as something apart from our faith. But, truth be told, is it really separate?
After all, it was God who planted the seed of vision within you. He’s the one who equipped you with those unique gifts and talents that set you apart. Yet, often we find ourselves struggling to steer our businesses alone.
Personally, I don’t know about you, but relying solely on my strength can be utterly draining!

So, here’s the kicker: Is there a better way? 

The one thing Christian entrepreneurs should be doing is: surrendering their business. Surrender to God’s guidance, His wisdom, and His purpose for your business. This surrender isn’t a relinquishing of control; rather, it’s an opening for divine intervention. It’s an acknowledgment that our entrepreneurial path is a shared journey with God as our co-pilot.

When we surrender our businesses to God and actively seek His guidance in every decision, something beautiful happens. Our businesses become not just ventures for financial gain but avenues for faith-driven impact. We find clarity, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment that transcends conventional success.


Embracing Surrender in our business:

In a world that champions self-sufficiency, embracing the concept of surrender can feel counterintuitive. However, surrendering our businesses to God offers a transformational shift. It’s a call to relinquish control and partner with the Lord. This act isn’t a resignation of power, but rather an opening for Holy Spirit to guide us and steer our entrepreneurial journey.

The road to surrender is a transformative one, but it’s not without its challenges. The desire for control can be deeply ingrained. Yet, as Christian women, we’re called to trust in God’s plan. Letting go isn’t easy, but it’s in releasing our grasp that we find the space for Spirit Lead guidance. Surrender isn’t passive; it’s a purposeful act of faith.


Working WITH God, FOR God:

Let’s be honest – the idea of surrendering control is daunting. The world tells us that success comes from hustling and strategizing tirelessly. But what if we flipped the script? Imagine working WITH God, and FOR God. This means placing Him at the helm of our goals, dreams, & desires, allowing His wisdom to direct our path. It’s about co-partnering with the ultimate Guide, leveraging Holy Spirit lead insights for purposeful success and working from a place of peace & rest. 

I’ve got one question? 

So, let me ask you, as a Christian entrepreneur, are you ready to do this ONE thing that can transform your business and your life? Are you ready to surrender, to invite God to co-create with you, and to allow Him to be your ultimate guide in this entrepreneurial journey?

It may seem like a no-brainer, but taking that step can make all the difference in the world, not just in your business, but in your faith-driven purpose.

I’d like to invite you to book a clarity call HERE. During this call, you can learn more about 1:1 coaching and how it can help you embrace entrepreneurship guided by surrender.

Have question? I’m just a message away



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