5 Reasons you Should Hire a Brand Photographer - jessicansolis.com

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5 Reasons you should Hire a Brand Photographer

Imagery has become even more important than ever in today’s day and age. The thing is, photography for businesses is not just snapping a button and creating a pretty image. There has to be strategy and intentionality behind these images.

A photographer has to be able to communicate your brand story in an image strategically, which is why it’s important to hire a brand photographer.

Photography is one of your most important marketing tools in your toolbox in making a great first impression and breaking down some of those first initial barriers and objections a potential client might have.

So here are 5 reasons why you should hire a brand photographer for your business.


1. They know how to create marketable images

Brand images are much more objective than a regular photoshoot; from the location to what you wear and how you pose, it is all crafted specifically to your brand. A brand photographer is able to craft images that will allow you to market your business.


2. You are booked and want to focus on your zone of genius

You’re booked out and busy. This is a great thing, but you know you still need to continue marketing your business to keep those leads coming in. This is when it’s time to outsourcing some facets of your business so you can focus on doing what you do best. A brand photographer can create month’s of content so that you can continue marketing and focus on what you’re best at.


3. You want to raise your prices

What is the first thing you look at when you go to buy something online? The images!  Are your images blurry or poorly lit? Do they look unprofessional? People are going to make subconscious decisions on the value and quality based on the images they see.  It’s the same thing when you are promoting a service-based business. People want to see you and your products and by presenting yourself in a more professional way this helps to justify the increase in your service/product. 


4. It saves you time

How much time are you spending creating content for your business? Our time is valuable and as the saying goes, time is money.


5. You’re investing in a professional website

You’re invested a lot of money and time into a beautiful new website and don’t want to put  low quality images on your new site. Investing in gorgeous new on brand images will make it shine and help communicate value and trust.


Do any of these situations sound like you? If so, I’d love to chat with you about creating intentional brand images for your business! You can book a free brand consult HERE or email me at jessica@jessicansolis.com

If you liked this article you might like this too- How brand photography can help grow your business. 



5 reasons to hire a brand photographer-Tampa FL

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